Its Wednesday morning on the 15th of March. I am sitting on my bed anxious. Elijah is lucky; He gets to be in class and busy with college life to keep his mind off. I however have nothing to do today, except anxiously wait.
"They didn't even give a specific time they would tell him!"
I just want to know if it's a yes or no, either way it majorly defines our lives for the next year....
I have to do something to keep my mind busy. I start browsing the Watson Fellowship website, clicking through its different pages. I come across the press release sections and click on the one announcing last year's winners.
The page crashes.
I reload the page and it crashes again.
"Stinking slow internet"
I try to reload the article a few more times, then go back to the main page and try clicking on the article again.
It worked!
I look through all names listed by their colleges. There's only one from Berea College:
I don't believe my eyes.... did I misread something? I scroll to the top of the page.
"Wait a minute...Announcing the 2023 Winners?!!!!!"
I scroll through the names again and there it is again:
Berea College-ELIJAH HICKS
Tidal wave of excitement and shock.
I pick up my phone and call Elijah.
Three times.
He doesn't pick up. I text:
He calls-I yell: